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    28 May 1992
    Da una piega del tessuto spazio-temporale
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  • Auron2

    This is my story.. gif

    Solo nel silenzio la parola,
    solo nel buio la luce,
    solo nel morire la vita:
    glorioso il volo del falco
    nel cielo vuoto.

    La Creazione di Éa
    (La saga di Terramare)

    La creazione dalla distruzione,
    la fine dall'inizio,
    chi sa distinguerli con certezza?
    Noi conosciamo solo la porta tra di loro
    in cui entriamo quando ce ne andiamo.
    Tra gli esseri che ogni volta ritornano,
    il più antico di tutti, il Guardiano della Soglia, Segoy...

    (Prima strofa della Creazione, la Saga di Terramare)

    Gli uomini non piangono per sè stessi ma per i loro compagni
    Abbracciate i vostri sogni e qualsiasi cosa accada difendete il vostro onore (FinalFantasy VII Crisis Core - Angeal)

    I am the bone of my sword
    Steel is my body, and fire is my blood
    I have created over a thousand blades
    Unknown to Death
    Nor known to Life
    Have withstood pain to create many weapons
    Yet, those hands will never hold anything
    So as I pray,
    Unlimited Blade Works

    "You need a reason to fight. But it cannot be an ideal.
    If you fight for ideals, the only thing you can save are ideals.
    There is no way you can save people.
    The reason why one fights is a deside to try to save something.
    But salvation brought on by others is not a salvation. The only thing that saves a person is their own will and actions.
    A salvation brought on by others is like money.
    Once it is used, it will only go on to someone else."
    (Fate / Stay Night - Archer)


    -What is the simplest, yet strongest reason for the rise of conflicts?

    -The reason is that people don't try to understand each other.

    -People don't even try to see things from other peoples' perspectives to
    see why they do certain things
    They don't want to know what other people want or need what they strive
    to achieve. When people refuse to understand each other, conflicts
    People only see the harms others are causing them. They don't
    understand why something bad is happening.
    And when you don't know why you're being hurt, your only course is to
    strike back.
    But if you know why you may have to suffer, there may be a better a
    solution to your problem.
    Usually people won't fight unless they have a reason
    (Ar Tonelico - Melody of Elemia)

    Il supremo male che possa capitare è commettere ingiustizia; non vorrei né patirla né commetterla, ma, fra le due, preferirei piuttosto patire che commettere ingiustizia. (Platone)

    Può sparare solo chi è pronto a venire ucciso.
    (Lelouch vi Britannia - Code Geass)

    "Mark my words! This drill will open a hole in the universe! And that hole will be a path for those behind us! The dreams of those who've fallen! The hopes of those who'll follow! Those two sets of dreams weave together into a double helix! Drilling a path towards tomorrow! And that's Tengen Toppa! That's Gurren Lagann!! My drill is the drill... that pierces the heavens!!!"
    (Simon, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Lagann Hen)

    To Philotimo! AAAALaLaLaLaie!!
    (Rider, Fate/Zero)
Skinned By A c e